Customer services

Our customer service team are here to answer your questions and listen to your feedback

Contact us

Tel: +44 (0)207 543 5600, Monday to Friday, 09.00-17.00 GMT (excluding bank holidays)
Webchat: Monday to Friday, 09.00-17.00 GMT (excluding bank holidays)
Email:, we aim to respond to all email enquiries within 48 hours working hours, Monday to Friday, 09.00-17.00 GMT (excluding bank holidays)

Not satisfied with our service?

At CIPFA, we aim to give our customers the best experience possible. If you feel we've fallen short of this, please let us know. We'll work with you to put things right, and always endeavour to use your feedback to improve things where we can:

  • your complaint will be acknowledged within two UK working days of receipt
  • we are fully committed to addressing all complaints, fully and fairly, and in a reasonable timeframe
  • we aim to resolve all complaints within 15 UK working days. However, for more complex complaints this may take longer, but we will keep you informed of progress