The Society of London Treasurers

The Society of London Treasurers (SLT) is a group made up of the section 151 officers from all 32 London boroughs, the city and the GLA Group

Society of London TreasurersThe aim of the society is to represent the interest of London on key local government financial matters. It is comprised of City and borough treasurers, as well as members of the Greater London Authority, the Metropolitan Police Authority, the London Fire Commissioner, Transport for London and the London Pension Fund Authority. Our members benefit from regular meetings and email networking, keeping them up to date with national and regional developments.

Find out more about the SLT

Officers for 2024/25

  • SLT President: Conrad Hall
  • SLT Vice President: Maria Christofi
  • Honorary Secretary/Treasurer: Peter Turner
  • Honorary Auditor: Mike Curtis
  • London Financial Advisory Committee (LFAC) Chair: Clive Palfreyman
  • LFAC Vice Chair: Jon Rowney