Subscription services

Subscribing to CIPFA's specialist services for public sector professionals means access to the latest guidance, data and information.

Benefit from the CIPFA team filtering through vast amounts of data and information to provide you with just the details you need to succeed. In addition, we offer the latest standards and guidance as soon as it is launched through publications or specialist network events. 

Find out more about each service

  • Data analytics – make better decisions with data-driven insight including CIPFAStats+ a product suite on our new cloud platform   
  • Information and intelligence – TISOnline, an online information resource of over 30 streams of guidance on the financial and service functions of local authorities
  • Professional support networks – our expert-led, member-based networks focused on key topic areas offering exclusive events and online resources
  • Standards and guidance publications – our standard-setting Publications are invaluable to anyone who is dealing with the public's money and service delivery

Subscribing to one, all or a selection of our services saves time, resources and, ultimately, money. You and your team can then concentrate on the business critical tasks – secure in the knowledge that you have the current, expert information and guidance.

Next steps 

For those renewing a subscription, or if you wish to discuss which subscriptions are best suited to you, your team and organisation, please contact us:

T: 020 7543 5600