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The Commissioning Joint Committee Guide to Environmental Sustainability


This invaluable publication is not just about the urgency of action to reduce climate change, but also what in practice local authorities, and other similar bodies, can do to reduce it.

Perceptions of Audit Quality: A Survey Analysis


This report sets out areas where auditors and clients are in agreement about the standard of service, and areas that still need developing if they are to provide a valuable and relevant service.

Systems Based Auditing Control Matrices: Series 7

PDF and Word files

The revamped series 7 Systems Based Auditing matrices cover the areas of: procurement, sustainability, partnerships, insurance and VAT. The new format aligns with Enterprise Risk Management: Integrated Framework (COSO, 2004).

Systems Based Auditing Control Matrices: Series 6

PDF and Word files

The sixth series of Systems Based Auditing features four critical non-financial systems including business continuity management, IT service continuity management, civil emergencies, performance indicators and data quality.

CIPFA Pensions Panel: Weighing Up Risk Against Reward - An Introductory Guide to Asset-Liability Studies for Local Government Pension Funds (Issue No. 9 August 2007)


This guide sets out areas for consideration before embarking on an asset-liability modelling study, to ensure the outcomes of the study fit the investment strategy review process and provide the information required.

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