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Thinking Ahead: Developing a Financial Strategy (2018 Edition)


This publication provides public service organisations with the tools they need to engage in effective strategic financial planning in today’s uncertain environment.

Service Reporting Code of Practice for Local Authorities

Binder/Presentation Box

This is a replacement binder/presentation box set for the update pack for the Service Reporting Code of Practice for Local Authorities (SeRCOP).

Option Appraisal: A Practical Guide for Public Service Organisations (2017 Edition) (Online)


This guide provides finance professionals, and others serving in public service organisations, with an insight into the skills and techniques that will allow them to design and undertake rigorous option appraisals.

Pooled Budgets and the Better Care Fund: A Practical Guide for Local Authorities and Health Bodies (2017 Edition)


This updated guide should be valuable reading for anyone responsible for implementing or reviewing pooled budget arrangements, or seeking to ensure that they offer good value for money to taxpayers and the local community.

Property Asset Valuation: A Handbook for Property and Finance Professionals in Local Authorities (2016 Edition)


This guidance examines in detail the many complex issues surrounding local authority property assets including classification, valuation and component accounting. It further explores these areas by providing practical examples based on real situations. Fully updated since the original 2012 edition, this new edition provides comprehensive guidance around the requirements of IFRS 13 for property asset valuations.

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