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Code Of Practice On Local Authority Accounting In The United Kingdom 2022/23 Hard Copy


This code is prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which have been adopted as the basis for public sector accounting in the UK. The 2022/23 Code has been developed by CIPFA/LASAAC and has effect for financial years commencing on or after 1 April 2022.

Local Authority Owned Companies: A Good Practice Guide


In recent years, the potential risk associated with local authority trading companies and joint ventures has increased. Nothing is risk free, but it is important to learn lessons from others and access support.

Service Reporting Code Of Practice For Local Authorities 2022/23


SeRCOP is prepared in accordance with the financial reporting framework established by the Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting in the United Kingdom (the Code). It applies to all local authority services throughout the UK from 1 April 2022 for the preparation of 2022/23 budgets and performance indicators.

Code Of Practice on Local Authority Accounting in the UK Disclosure Checklist for 2021/22 Accounts (book)


If you are responsible for preparing or auditing local authority accounts to ensure that the requirements of the Code are met, this checklist will provide all the authoritative guidance you are looking for.

Code Of Practice on Local Authority Accounting in the UK Disclosure Checklist for 2021/22 accounts (online)


If you are responsible for preparing or auditing local authority accounts to ensure that the requirements of the Code are met, this checklist will provide all the authoritative guidance you are looking for.

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