Transforming Services: Approaches, Examples, Lessons

Transforming Services cover


This publication draws together a number of examples of transformation and change in the public sector. Some of the examples suggest new sources for delivery and resourcing, while others are more about rethinking existing services and resources to deliver something new or with a better outcome.








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While it is not a complete picture of all of the initiatives under way across all sectors, it does cover a wide variety of topics which range from managing change, to new ways of thinking about and delivering services to new approaches to harnessing and providing finance to support innovative work. It offers an opportunity to consider the lessons learned and their applicability for other services and contexts.

Chapters have been written by a variety of contributors engaged in the topics and include:

  • Transformation: Critical Success Factors. Sets out a number of key success factors for successful transformation.
  • Understanding Communities to Deliver Effective Services. Explores the virtuous cycle whereby investment in effective service development leads to both business improvement and social benefit.
  • The Lean Library. Describes how, when properly applied, much can be gained from a focus on customer needs, a passion for reducing waste and non-added value activities, and giving everyone a voice and the opportunity to make change happen.
  • Public Service Mutuals: Supporting Employee Engagement. Considers the growing number of public service mutuals that have spun out of the public sector, and operating in a variety of settings, eg in health, leisure, social welfare, youth and fire and rescue services.
  • Applying an Investment Mind-set to Public Services. Looks at the use of social finance and careful investment in prevention in order to reduce future demand, with corresponding improvements for service users and communities.
  • Loans to Registered Providers. Provides an example of a local authority providing long-term finance to local registered providers of social housing, which in turn stimulates local growth, employment creation and the supply of affordable social housing.
  • Redefining the Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme. Offers insights into the approach taken by a council to restructure and transform their council tax reduction scheme.
  • The National LGPS Frameworks Project. Describes a collaboration between a number of LGPS Funds to help them procure specialist services, and leverage better prices, while crucially still supporting local decision making and service requirements.
  • Resources. Pulls together references, links and sources of further information relating to each of the topics covered in the various chapters.

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