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Auditing for Change Management and Transformation


Having an effective role in change management is an opportunity for internal audit to move out of the back room and into the board room. Getting involved in the change and transformation agenda should enable internal audit to add value to the organisation. This publication will show you how.

Transforming Services: Approaches, Examples, Lessons


This publication draws together a number of examples of transformation and change in the public sector. Some of the examples suggest new sources for delivery and resourcing, while others are more about rethinking existing services and resources to deliver something new or with a better outcome.

A Practical Guide to Outsourcing in the Public Sector


This guide sets out the key issues that public sector organisations need to consider at each stage of the outsourcing process. It also provides an up-to-date summary of recent developments, including key provisions of the revised EU procurement rules, which came into effect in the UK on 26 February 2015.

A Practical Guide to Outsourcing in the Public Sector


This guide sets out the key issues that public sector organisations need to consider at each stage of the outsourcing process. It also provides an up-to-date summary of recent developments, including key provisions of the revised EU procurement rules, which came into effect in the UK on 26 February 2015.

Benefits for Persons from Abroad: A Consolidated Guide to the Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support Rules following Welfare Reform


This is a detailed guide aimed at practitioners, providing comprehensive and technical information on the complex rules on claims for housing benefit (HB) and council tax support (CTS) from persons from abroad.

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