Frequently asked questions

What is CIPFAstats+?

The CIPFAstats+ platform offers an extensive range of comparative data regarding public finance. The data is broken up into separate, sector-specific dashboards. Utilising Microsoft's Power BI data visualiser, decision-makers can make informed and robust decisions by:

  • making comparisons over time and space
  • analysing data in multiple dimensions
  • generating powerful visuals for presentations
  • 'slicing and dicing' data for new, actionable insights
  • exporting key findings quickly and easily

What is Power BI?

Our cutting edge CIPFAstats+ dashboards are presented using Power BI. This platform allows you to access and compare data using compelling, fully interactive visuals. As a Microsoft product, graphics can be easily exported to PowerPoint presentations or Word documents, and data downloaded into an easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet.

How does CIPFAstats+ work and what does it look like?

The below video provides a full walkthrough of the CIPFAstats+ platform and its functionality.

What technology/software do I need to run CIPFAstats+?

CIPFAstats+ is an online, cloud-based service — meaning there's no need to purchase additional software or technology. All you require is a subscription and a stable internet connection.

How do I log in?

After subscribing, you can log in to the platform using your CIPFA registration details. If you are having difficulty accessing the platform, please contact

Can I get access to the raw data?

Yes, each dashboard you hold a subscription for allows you to export the raw figures into an Excel .CSV document.

Can specific authorities and years be selected and analysed in the visualisations?

Yes, with a subscription you can customise which authorities are shown, and for which year. The filters allow you to group by authority type, region, by using our Nearest Neighbours Model, or by selecting them individually.

Does a subscription grant me access to historical datasets?

Yes, a subscription entitles you to all of the historical data CIPFA holds. The dashboards contain at least the last five years of data, which can be analysed and exported directly from the platform. Contact us directly for earlier datasets.

How many people in our organisation can have access with one subscription?

As many as you want! The access is granted by your work email address. As long as you are registered with a CIPFA account, you can access the dashboards your organisation has signed up to.

When does a subscription year run to and from?

CIPFAStats+ is an annual subscription. It runs from 1 April to the 31 March.

When is the data for the dashboards updated?

Dashboards are updated through the entirety of your subscription year. Each has a different release date, based on when data is released or returned to us. To find out more about specific datasets updates, please contact us at

Subscribe to CIPFAstats+

To arrange a demonstration, find out about costs, or subscribe to CIPFAstats+ please contact us on or 020 7543 5600.