Meet the team

Mark Poppy, Property Training Manager

Mark Poppy

Mark has an MBA and an alumni of the Ashridge Business School Advanced Leadership Programme. He has worked in both the public and private sector as well as a government backed advisory company. He has extensive experience of public-private partnerships and the commercialisation of public services.

He has considerable local government experience as a former strategic director for a borough council. He has also worked as an advisor at a company owned by the LGA and Treasury. More recently, Mark has worked for a private equity company delivering property partnerships with local authorities. He has a particular interest in the commercial aspects of partnership working. He also recently project managed his own self build.


Keeley Forsyth, Senior Business Support Officer

Keeley Hope

Keeley joined CIPFA in September 2018, with over 15 years experience in event planning and management. Keeley is responsible for the administration of the AssetManager.NET software, Property Network Webinars, Network subscriptions and Property Training.



Jane Hughes, Project Coordinator

Jane HughesJane has over 20 years of experience with CIPFA Property, coordinating over 800 projects for condition surveys, fire risk assessments, suitability assessments and building accessibility audits. She also carries out building accessibility audits and fire risk assessments, and is a BAFE SP 205 Fire Risk Assessment Validator. Jane is a member of the Access Association.


Christopher Staniforth BSc, Building Surveyor

Chris Staniforth Chris has been with CIPFA's property team for over twenty years, undertaking building condition surveys, including mechanical and electrical inspections, engaging with clients and third party stakeholders to resolve property issues, including statutory compliance audits, and advising on property redevelopment programmes. He is BAFE-certified Fire Risk Assessor and also carries out building accessibility audits.


Ray Brown, AssetManager.NET Team Leader

Ray BrownRay joined CIPFA in January 2014, with 18 years experience in software development. He leads the AssetManager.NET development team, overseeing development of the software, liaising with the stakeholders to ensure that the software continues to be reliable, relevant and meets the needs of the client’s requirements.



David Bentley, Property Associate 

David BentleyDavid is a professionally qualified quantity surveyor with over 35 years’ experience in the public and private sectors.

He has been with CIPFA since 1998 and in this time has become known as one of the leading UK experts on property and asset management within the public sector.



Stuart Muckley, Application Support Manager

Photo of Stuart MuckleyStu spent over ten years as a software developer before joining CIPFA, working on projects and providing second line support for the AssetManager.NET software.  He took over management of the Application Support Team in 2022 and continues to lead the team supporting AssetManager.NET as well as CIPFA’s internal systems.


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CIPFA Property