SAN Series 73 - Community Challenge

CIPFA Property image: a series of buildings

Event summary

Seventeen years ago, the ‘Quirke Review: Making Assets Work’ was published as part of the then Government’s programme for empowering communities and overcoming barriers to more community asset management and ownership. ‘Community transfer’ wasn’t new, but the report, and the movement behind it, saw a significant acceleration in the number of assets considered for transfer.


02 October 2024
Starts: 10:00
Ends: 16:00



Standard price

£375.00 excl VAT

Network Member Price

£250.00 excl VAT

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About this event

Fast forward those seventeen years and local government is in a very different position. Austerity has put significant pressure on authorities to reduce running costs and community transfer of assets (and services) is seen as an essential tool in achieving this objective alongside the original focus of community empowerment. Subsequent government policy has added to this momentum with the requirement in England to produce lists of Assets of Community Value, whilst in Scotland we have the Community Empowerment Act.

But asset transfer is not without its problems. What guarantee is there that the community organisation will be able to maintain the building in the long term. Are we just transferring problems or liabilities?

Our next series of Strategic Assets events will revisit the area of asset transfer. We’re not going to question the legislation, but look more at policies, processes and procedures within authorities themselves. We will then have an open discussion with attendees having the opportunity to ask questions of each other on how they handle specific aspects of community transfer. It should be an interesting debate.

As usual the morning will start with our essential Strategic Update. With a new Government in place it will be even more of ‘a must attend session’ which will explore emerging policy, potential legislation, and news from around the UK which impacts on the strategic management of property assets.

Who should attend?

Anyone involved either directly or indirectly in community asset transfer affecting local government. This might include economic development officers, strategic delivery managers, strategic property managers and asset managers, strategic finance managers, corporate policy and performance managers, and anyone involved in the strategic management of property assets and community empowerment.

How will you benefit from attending?

Delegates will:

  • Develop an understanding of Community Asset Transfer policies, processes and procedures.
  • Learn from what others are doing around the United Kingdom.
  • Gain a general update of the latest news on Strategic Asset Management within the Public Sector.

CPD hours

This event carries 4 CPD hours.


  • Asset management
  • / Property

Download programme schedule

SAN Series 73 October 2024 FlyerPDF 109.38 KB

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Speaker - David Bentley, Head of Asset Management, CIPFA

David Bentley

David is a professionally qualified quantity surveyor with over 35 years’ experience in the public and private sectors. He has been with CIPFA since 1998 and in this time has become known as one of the leading UK experts on property and asset management within the public sector.

Webchat is available Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 17:00 (excluding UK bank holidays).